Right, so per usual, I shouldn't be blogging. I shouldn't even THINK about anything but school, graduation, and my upcoming move. More so, school with the plethora of work I have a head of me… 2 presentations, one on histology, one on clonogenic survival (BI2536 bitches!!), a manuscript, a paper, stats exam and my last pharmacology exam ever (I hope). Among other things, social obligations such as salsa dancing, Dim sum, BTN BARCRAWL (June 8th, Wicker Park), Grad College Banquet Dinner and what nots… gosh, my life is so hard!
Anyhow, In two short weeks, so much is happening: I turn 25, I graduate with an MS, Dan, Nan, James & Joey are visiting, my parents are coming, I'm going on a tall ships boat ride, I'm going home to CT for a bit, and then…….
Until then, lets talk cranberries. Yep, still have more in the freezer. Crow didn't eat all his bananas, soooo they were frozen and now in this recipe. Banana bread gets boring. Cranberry anything is delicious. Banana Cranberry with some whole wheat flour and Flax seeds, its a fiberous delight.
Cranberry Banana Flax Bread
.25 c olive oil
2 eggs
1 c white granulated sugar
1 c AP flour
.5 c whole wheat flour
.25 c flax seeds, unground
1 tsp baking powder
.75 tsp baking soda
.5 tsp cinnamon
.5 tsp salt
1 c frozen cranberries, slightly thawed then chopped
3 frozen bananas, slightly thawed, peeled, then mashed
1. mix olive oil, 1 egg, and sugar
2. add next egg. mix well
3. add bananas and cranberries, fold in (or let the whip attachment go around 2 or 4 times)
5. in another bowl, add all dry ingredients
6. add dry ingredients in 3 aliquots, making sure to mix fairly decently in-between
7. DO NOT OVER MIX. it will result in a chewy bread. cheeewwwyyy.
6. bake 20-25 minutes in two loaf pans, until cake tester comes out clean.
7. cool on wire rack.
8. Bring to your 8 am presentation meeting and hope it distracts enough to disregard the poor quality histophotos.